Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Dog Did What?

     I contributed a story I wrote, An Angel on Earth to the newest edition from the Chicken Soup for The Soul series entitled, The Dog Did What? It's a heart-warming story about my dog, Jack. (pictured here)

     Miranda Lambert wrote the forward for the book and all royalties will be donated to the American Humane Association.

You may pre-order your copy now by clicking on this link - 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Writer's Mind -- Any Other Writers Feel This Way?

      My ideas usually come not at my desk writing, 
but in the midst of living. 
~ Anais Nin
     My Writer's mind is always working. I carry a notebook with me every where I go, just in case I overhear some rich dialogue, observe the "perfect" setting or character descriptions for future projects! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Mindful Life Project

I've shared my love for the use of "mindfulness" and guided meditation in my Pre-K classroom before on this blog:


I ♥ Positive Feedback!

I've received lots of emails and great feedback about my book, 
I Am Special -- The Power is in ME!  
     Parents, teachers, therapists and anti-bullying groups have used it to teach children the importance of looking within themselves to find the answers. To know that they are special. To empower them.

     I just found this video about 
and I had to share it with you. 
Check out their website and spread the word!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Came Out of the Paranormal Closet for a Reason...

     My main goal with writing, The House on Pancake Hill was to help other psychic teens who may be experiencing what I went through as a child. The emails and feedback that I've received are proof that "coming out" of the paranormal closet was the best thing I have ever done. I hope that by telling my story, other children and teens (and adults) will know that they are NOT alone.
     I'd love to hear about other's stories and experiences. Feel free to email me at 

Thanks so much for the awesome reviews...the is there!


Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Change is Gonna Come....

I have to admit something. I've been known to be a bit of a control freak. Not in my personal life, but when it comes to my writing? I set goals. I make lists of future projects. I have timelines-in-my-head of how I want things to play out.
     For the most part, everything falls into place for me. However, the past several months seem to have tested my patience. I feel as if I am not where I need to be halfway through this year. A few of the "plans" that I assumed would unfold almost effortlessly, have not evolved at all. It's frustrating. When I saw this quote, it was a reminder to let things go that I cannot control and to deal with opportunities that do present themselves to me. To affirm that a change IS going to come -- in due time.