Monday, May 20, 2013

The Thrill of the Hunt - For Books!

     As a child, I can remember my mother taking us to the library each week. The thought that you could pick out any book(s) that you wanted was such a thrill! Walking into that library was like Disney World to me...I'd get lost in there, browsing through the shelves in search of my newest adventure! 

     In my "other life, " I was a Pre-K teacher. On the first day of school, when it was time for story time, I'd ask the children "How many of you have a story read to you each day / night?" Usually out of a class of 20+, maybe five hands would shoot up into the air. It saddened me to think that there are so many children who never get to experience the feeling of being read to, all snuggled up in bed, or anywhere for that matter. Four and five year olds who had never, before that first day of school, been read to! Needless to say, these children developed a love of reading and I pray that they are avid readers to this day. 

     The thrill of opening that new book.....Ahhhhhh!

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